Electricity market

For free choice with care and responsibility! ESO EAD is a key player in the process of liberalization of the electricity market with a leading role in uniting the electricity markets with neighbouring countries in the segments intraday and day-ahead and in the integration of balancing markets.

The Electricity Transmission Operator of Bulgaria guarantees the provision of the transmission capacity at the borders with our neighbouring countries, organizes and conducts tenders for transmission capacities.

The Electricity System Operator ensures the safe and reliable balancing of the electricity system with minimal costs and administers the electricity market and the balancing energy market.

Liberalized market


Market management system


Documents for market participation (only in Bulgarian)

Lists and registers

List of market participants (only in Bulgarian)


Glossary of market terms used


of the services provided to external organizations by the Electricity Market Department of ESO EAD

Balancing Energy

Prices and sources of balancing energy (BE)

Estimated data for the Balancing market

Estimate prices and estimate system imbalance

15 minutes imbalance settlement period

Documents, related to transition to 15 minutes imbalance settlement period

Ancillary services

Auction platform (only in Bulgarian)

Web-based platform for organizing tender procedures for purchasing availability for reserves for primary frequency regulation, automatic secondary regulation and manual secondary regulation of frequency and exchange capacities.

Auction platform ( 1D only in Bulgarian)

Web-based platform for organizing tender procedures for purchasing availability for reserves for primary frequency regulation, automatic secondary regulation and manual secondary regulation of frequency and exchange capacities.

Archive 2013-2019

Slow tertiary reserve of consumers capacities (only in Bulgarian)

Archive 2013-2019

Slow tertiary reserve of producers capacities (only in Bulgarian)

Cross-border exchanges

Montly Auction Results for the ATC Allocation

Results of the tender procedure for dividing and granting the offered transmission capacity (OTC) and the acquired physical transmission rights (PTR)

Yearly Auction Results for the ATC Allocation

Results of the tender procedure for dividing and granting the offered transmission capacity (OTC) and the acquired physical transmission rights (PTR)

Auction Calendar 2024

Indicative calendar with the dates for Yearly and Monthly Auctions for 2024 for the border Bulgaria-Turkey

Transfer Capacity

Annual and monthly values of the agreed Net transmission potential (capacities) of the network and values of the available transmission potential (capacities) of the network.

Results ATC Allocation

Auction Results for the ATC Allocation of JAO and neighbouring TSOs

Transfer Capacity

Forecast of weekly NTC value ATC.

Monthly capacity auctions

Monthly Available Transfer Capacity (ATC)

Yearly Capacity Auctions (ATC)

Yearly Available Transfer Capacity (ATC)


List of users

Memorandums and procedures

Memorandums and procedures

Schedule Management

Schedule Management (ESS)

Auction Rules

Auction Rules

EIC information

EIC codes information

EIC register

Register of EIC codes issued by the local publishing office



Urgent Market Messages
